Can I amend or change my order? When you place an order from AE Car we'll send you an email confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order. You can change your order before it's been despatched for stock products. We cannot accept any products which have been classed as a special order or which has been manufactured to your specification for cancellation or return. If you wish to change your order whether to remove or add a product please contact us and we can send a payment request for the difference/advise you.  

How do I know if the product is in stock? We stock over 98% of the products on our website, Normal stock products which are out of stock will have a sold out button and cannot be added to the cart. If you wish to purchase the sold-out product please contact us and we will let you know approx due back in stock date.

Why do some parts have a product brand and others don't? Some stock products do not have a product brand as we have various different brands for the same product. 

We do not ship to your destination? If your destination/country is not listed in the shipping estimate or cart please contact us for a shipping price. 

Will I receive a VAT invoice? Yes, if the UK shipping address is the same as the billing address. When we email you the shipping confirmation there will be a link to download the VAT invoice in PDF. 

When will I receive my order? For stock products, we aim to despatch orders same working day (Monday to Friday) if ordered by
Time GMT - Shipping method
11.30 - Courier delivery, up to 14:00 If we have a collection already booked
13.00 - Royal Mail

Approximate Delivery Times

  • UK via Royal Mail 1 to 4 working days
  • UK via Express Courier 1 to 2 working days
  • UK via Economy Courier 2 to 4 working days
  • Europe 3 to 7 working days
  • International 4 to 10 working days 

Working days are Monday to Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday & public holidays.

Royal Mail and couriers aim to deliver within the timeframe set out, but not guaranteed. Delivery times are given in good faith, but AE CAR cannot be held responsible for delayed deliveries.

Can I collect my order at AE CAR? Yes you can collect your order at AE CAR, you will have to place your order online and select Pick Up in Store on the checkout page. 

Which is the correct part for my vehicle? If you are not sure which is the correct part for your vehicle you can contact us with your UK number plate or 17-digit VIN/chassis number of your vehicle and we will check for you.
This check service is not available for USA Fiat Abarth models.
This check service is only available for Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Fiat & Lancia models 1988-on

Do you offer a discount on large or bulk orders? If you are in the motor trade or a customer wishing to make a large one-off purchase, contact us via email. The discount can vary depending on the quantities and parts you are buying.